Karolina, writing for US Visa Photo, shares five helpful travel trends digital nomads can include in their lifestyle to enhance their work travel experience.

Digital nomads stand out as a unique group of people who combine work with travel. We use technology to work remotely from anywhere in the world, allowing us to maintain our work responsibilities while exploring new places, setting us apart from traditional travelers, who would usually take time off work to go on vacation.

5 Travel Trends Digital Nomads Should Explore

Solo Travel | 1st May 2023 by Karolina Turowska

Karolina, writing for US Visa Photo, shares five helpful travel trends digital nomads can include in their lifestyle to enhance their work travel experience.


Digital nomads stand out as a unique group of people who combine work with travel. We use technology to work remotely from anywhere in the world, allowing us to maintain our work responsibilities while exploring new places, setting us apart from traditional travelers, who would usually take time off work to go on vacation.

Known for our adventurous spirit and ability to adapt to new environments, we are comfortable living in different countries for extended periods of time and able to quickly adjust to new cultures and ways of life. We adapt to new environments with relative ease, which is a valuable trait for any employee, as it shows we have the ability to handle change and thrive in new situations.

In addition to an adventurous spirit and adaptability, digital nomads can make exceptional employees because we can work independently and manage our own time effectively. Because we work remotely, we have to be self-motivated and disciplined in order to meet deadlines and produce high-quality work.

As a digital nomad, I know my unique blend of work and travel has specific needs and expectations going beyond the typical tourist experience, so I’ve compiled a list of five travel trends that are particularly beneficial for digital nomads like myself.

Impact travel has given me the opportunity to make a positive difference in the places I visit, while packing hacks have made my travels more efficient and stress-free. With these packing hacks, I pack smarter and lighter. Making time for wellbeing retreats allows me to take a break from my work and focus on personal growth and rejuvenate when I need to.

Exploring these travel trends can help digital nomads like myself make the most of our unique lifestyle and travel experiences, helping us create unforgettable journeys that align with our values and aspirations.

As someone who loves to explore the world and discover its wonders, I firmly believe that the world has so much to offer if we’re willing to listen to it. Whether you’re a remote worker looking to break free from monotony or a long-term digital nomad like me, I encourage you to keep reading.

1 Packing tricks

Nod, if you agree. Packing for a vacation can be challenging, but packing for both vacation and work can be even more daunting! When you’re traveling for leisure, you usually only need to consider items like weather-appropriate clothing, toiletries, and entertainment for downtime. However, mixing work and travel requires additional considerations, such as bringing work equipment and clothes that go beyond what’s required for a vacation wardrobe.

Indeed, underpacking is one of the most common business travel mistakes, and packing gets more complicated when you want to mix travel and work. You’ll need to pack items that will ensure your work comfort, and ideally, everything will fit into a small suitcase or a backpack!

Luckily, the travel industry now presents many solutions to packing problems:

  • Vacuum Bags – vacuum bags are perfect for packing clothes, small items, and even food. By reducing the air inside the bag, you can reduce the space that things take up, making it easier to fit more in a smaller suitcase.
  • Laundry bags – during a trip, dirty clothes are one of the biggest pain points.  Laundry bags are helpful in separating dirty clothes from clean ones, preventing your entire wardrobe from smelling bad. Oof, nobody wants that!
  • Packing Cubes –  Packing cubes are great for keeping your suitcase organized, so you can easily find what you need when you need it.

These packing accessories are small changes that can have a significant impact on your travel comfort. For digital nomads, who often need to adapt to new environments quickly, these accessories can be especially helpful. By using them, you can save space, stay organized, and focus on what really matters – experiencing new places and getting work done on the go.

2 Impact travel

The trend of impact travel is on the rise, and it’s no wonder why. According to recent data from the American Express Travel Global Trend Report and the 2022 Travel Predictions Report, more and more travelers are seeking to be thoughtful and positively impact the communities they visit. 

This trend is evident in the 62% of respondents who wish to be more mindful of where and how they travel and the 78% who want to make a positive impact on the communities they visit. 

Some of the top activities they engage in include eating and shopping at small businesses, visiting landmarks or heritage sites, and exploring national parks. Additionally, 67% of respondents expressed a desire to see their money returned to the local community when they travel.

As a digital nomad, you have a unique opportunity to make a significant impact on the communities you visit since you spend more time in your foreign destinations than traditional tourists. To be a responsible traveler, consider incorporating impact travel into your work travel lifestyle. 

This can be achieved by staying in socially conscious hotels that host charity events or are involved in environmental projects or other worthy causes. Additionally, you can support local businesses by shopping at local markets, attending local events, and dining at locally-owned restaurants. 

Finally, consider traveling during the off-season to support local businesses during slower periods while enjoying a place’s peaceful, tourism-free atmosphere.

 By incorporating impact travel into your digital nomad lifestyle,  you can make a positive impact on the communities you visit while still enjoying your travel.

3 Authentic experiences over tourism

I believe the true purpose of travel is to reset, gain enrichment, and experience the world in a meaningful way. Traditional tourism often falls short in delivering these benefits as it involves visiting popular tourist attractions and staying in mainstream accommodations.

Seeking out more authentic experiences can provide a deeper cultural immersion, allowing me to connect with local people and their way of life. Through these experiences, I gain a better understanding of the places I visit and potentially develop new skills and perspectives.

As a digital nomad, I find this trend of seeking out authentic experiences particularly valuable. It can lead to increased creativity, new perspectives, and innovative solutions in my work.

Therefore, in order to truly reset, enrich, and experience the world, I need to step away from traditional tourism and actively seek out more authentic experiences where I can truly get to know a place, its history and the people who live there.

4 Trendy digital nomad destinations

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The same is true for the perfect travel spot.

When it comes to finding the perfect travel destination, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. This is especially true for digital nomads, as we have unique needs and priorities, such as seeking out a stable internet connection and considering the cost of living in our destinations.

While travel blogs and social media profiles can offer some guidance, the best way for digital nomads to find their ideal destination is by seeking inspiration from like-minded travelers. Exploring popular digital nomad destinations can lead to discovering new spots that perfectly fit your expectations and enhance the unique quality of your digital nomad lifestyle.

Whether you prefer cultural melting pots, serene villages, or bustling modern cities, Only Wanderlust has compiled a list of the most popular digital nomad destinations that cater to every preference. So, if you’re a digital nomad searching for the perfect spot, this list is a great starting point for your journey.

  1. Bali, Indonesia
  2. London, UK
  3. Chiang Mai, Thailand
  4. Lisbon, Portugal 
  5. Barcelona, Spain
  6. New York, USA
  7. Bangkok, Thailand,
  8. Los Angeles, USA
  9. Paris, France
  10. Berlin, Germany
  11. Budapest, Hungary
  12. Amsterdam, Netherlands
  13. Hong Kong
  14. Phuket, Thailand
  15. Miami, USA
  16. Porto, Portugal
  17. Madrid, Spain
  18. San Francisco, USA
  19. Singapore
  20. Sydney, Australia
  21. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  22. San Diego, USA
  23. Toronto, Kanada
  24. Milan, Italy
  25. Stockholm, Sweden

Which one is your pick?

5 Wellbeing retreats

The concept of burnout is becoming increasingly prevalent in modern-day workplaces, with two-thirds of full-time employees experiencing burnout at some point in their careers. The fast pace of life, striving for improved work performance, and the pressure of perfectionism are some of the contributing factors.

Digital nomads are particularly susceptible to burnout due to the challenges they face with work-life balance, constantly changing work environments, and culture shock. These factors can exacerbate the stress we experience, making us more vulnerable to burnout.

The good news is that there are ways to prevent burnout. Digital nomads need to be mindful of their mental and physical wellbeing and take steps to prioritize self-care. This could include taking time off work, practising meditation or mindfulness, and engaging in activities promoting relaxation and stress relief.

One trend that digital nomads can take advantage of is the opportunity of taking wellbeing retreats. These retreats offer an opportunity to disconnect from work, recharge, and focus on our personal growth and development. Remember, it’s essential to take care of yourself to reach your goals without sacrificing your mental and physical health.

I hope this article helps you discover travel trends helping you make the most of  your digital nomad lifestyle. 

Photos supplied by Karolina Turowska
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Karolina Turowska
Karolina Turowska is a writer, digital nomad and travel enthusiast at US Visa Photo. When it comes to writing, she loves bringing dry facts to life. When it comes to travelling, she just loves bikes!

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