Budget Calculator
How the MAS Budget Planner works:
The online budget planner allows you to enter your income and expenditure in a flexible time-frame, so you can choose from a single day to a week, month or whole year from the drop-down list.
1: Enter what you spend and how much you earn.
2: The calculator will give you a breakdown of your finances.
3: The budget planner will give you links to tips about how to save money, cut your costs and investing your savings.
You will have the option to save your budget report and receive an email copy for your records. If you want to do this you will need to follow the link and leave the Solo Living site to sign up with the Money Advice Service.
Note: Using the Budget Planning tool
The information you enter is used by the Money Advice Service to calculate your spending and provide you with a budget planning report. No personal information is held by Solo Living when using this tool on our website.