Who can say categorically or with any certainty how we are handling the lockdown as we navigate life and challenging times solo? It is still early days, nearly three weeks in. We are living during a time in history with little point of reference or experience to draw from. Nature and a virus with no cure are gripping a global population and our world has been rocked.

Living Alone With Uncertainty During Lockdown

Living Alone| 14th April 2020 by Solo Living

Magnolia – A symbol of dignity, nobility and perseverance

Notes and photos from a solo lockdown walk (Glasgow, 11.4.20)

“It is how we embrace uncertainty in our lives that leads to the great transformation of our souls.” Brandan A Trean

Who can say with any certainty how we are handling the lockdown as we navigate life and challenging times solo? It is still early days, nearly three weeks in. We are living during a time in history with little point of reference or experience to draw from. Nature and a virus with no cure are gripping a global population and our world has been rocked.

We are all living and dealing with uncertainty. The uncertainty of not knowing how long the lockdown will go on. When we will be able to sit beside our friends and families. Of not knowing how long or how well we will be able to manage our prolonged time at home. The uncertainty of not knowing how our jobs, livelihoods and finances will be affected while some of us are already out of work.
We are concerned about those affected by the virus, people who have lost their lives, their loved ones and those less fortunate than ourselves. We applaud the valour and endeavour of key workers in the frontline.

We are living with the uncertainty of what life will be like when we come out of this as the lessons to be learned are yet to unfold. We are dealing with waves of emotions that can change during the course of a day and that is okay. This is our new and unknown reality and it means adjusting is an ongoing process we all have to go through. It will be easier for some than it will be for others.

The difference for us is, we are dealing with the uncertainty of a national and global crisis solo! We take in our daily exercise, bring home our shopping, shut the door, do what we do to keep busy and occupied – thankfully there is work for many of us, sleep and wake up the next day to a new and ongoing reality.

For this Solos, do not underestimate the nobility and dignity arising from our perseverance to keep going. You are more resilient than you realise and you are not alone.

living alone with uncertainty during lockdown
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