Not everyone will be spending Christmas with a group of people salivating over a giant turkey this year. And no, we aren’t referring to a rise in the number of vegetarians and vegans. We’re talking about the fact that many of us will spend Christmas day alone and on our own. This may be out of choice or it may not – but this shouldn’t be the focus in the lead up to the big man doing the rounds. In fact, spending Christmas alone can be the best experience for a number of reasons.

Get Ready For A Wonderful Solo Christmas Day

Living Alone | 31st October 2022 by Solo Living

Not everyone will be spending Christmas with a group of people salivating over a giant turkey this year. And no, we aren’t referring to a rise in the number of vegetarians and vegans. We’re talking about the fact that many of us will spend Christmas day alone and on our own. This may be out of choice or it may not – but this shouldn’t be the focus in the lead up to the big man doing the rounds. In fact, spending Christmas alone can be the best experience for a number of reasons.

For those of us going it alone on Christmas Day, prepare for the day just like a family of four would. If you want to eat four Christmas dinners that’s up to you, but we have a better idea away from the freedom to be glutenous and self-indulgent. Let’s make it special for you! Here is the Christmas day check-list for festive solos.

Tips For Spending Christmas Day Alone

Home preparations

We know you may not feel like decorating a tree if it’s for your eyes only and especially if you don’t even like Christmas trees anyway. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t create a tranquil space for your big day. Christmas decorations can stay in the attic but get out the candles and make your own comfortable den!

Set your alarm

How about shaking things up on Christmas day and changing your alarm clock. If you’re normally a late riser of it you’re an early bird – do the opposite! Switching up your routine can make Christmas feel that little bit more unique to you. Enjoy the extra beauty sleep, or how about getting up early and making the most of some free time with a hobby or an activity you’ve not been able to find time for lately.

Plan your meals

If there ever was an eat-and-drink-what-you-want day, it would have fierce competition with Christmas Day for the top spot. This means you should prepare the food and drinks that are going to make you enjoy the day that little bit more.

Don’t just go for the traditional things because you feel like you have to. Head for the food you really want to eat. If it’s a deep-fried Mars Bar or a Ceasar salad that’s great. It’s your call and one of the perks of doing Christmas alone. That, and not having to pretend to laugh at boring Christmas cracker jokes.

If you like to cook, this is the perfect time to spend time in the kitchen practising those recipes that have been making your mouth water for weeks but haven’t gotten round to trying. If you have a boxset lined up and would rather not be in the kitchen, why don’t you order food in or make and preserve your food in the days leading up to Christmas?

Want another great tip? Do your Christmas food shopping on Christmas Eve and find some absolute bargains. Your waistline may take a hit but that’s what New Year’s resolutions are for – and your bank balance certainly won’t take a hit.

One of the most stressful things about Christmas is making the dinner. With that worry gone, you can float around the supermarket without any stress and watch others frantically panic over marrowfat or frozen peas – honestly, it can be quite fun!

Preselect your music or audio entertainment

Arguments over music, radio channels and podcasts are no fun. Luckily, you don’t have this problem because you can choose whatever sort of entertainment you want. From pop to classical music, the remote lies firmly in your hands. It’s a great time to catch up on that podcast episode you missed or a live stream. Live streams are especially great because they help you to feel connected to the big day from inside your home.

Or, maybe tv and movies?

If radio and podcasts aren’t your thing then there is no reason why the “recommended for you” section on Netflix couldn’t get a lot of attention. Or just get onto a regular TV station and watch your favourite shows and the day’s continuous selection of all-time classic films? Remember, it’s all about you and there will be no trying to listen to the best scenes over bickering or loud snores from the corner of the room.

Visit friends and family

Your tranquil and relaxing Christmas day alone may be made even better with an hour at a friend’s place or maybe some family is expecting you? *Cough* forcing you to go to see them. We recommend fitting these enjoyable visits in early so you can get comfy, put on your onesie if needed and prepare for some solo relaxation and self-indulgence like no other.

Make contact with others

It’s so easy to get in touch with people nowadays – even those on the other side of the planet. Let someone else know that you’re thinking about them this Christmas and wish them a great day. It would be even better if you can wish someone else a Merry Christmas who is spending the day all to themselves as well. The phone is at your fingertips so give them a call or flick them a text.

Enjoy your gifts

If you received gifts, then why not get straight to enjoying them. Pick up that novel, put on those slippers or make your way through the first layer of the chocolates! Someone was thinking of you when they bought these gifts and wanted you to enjoy them – so do just that! Some people may not have a gift to open and if that’s you, that’s okay and there’s no reason not to get yourself a gift in the run-up to Christmas. You are awesome and deserve to spoil yourself!

Give yourself a pampering

This is the best time to get out all your beauty products and give yourself a pampering. While everyone else looks a bit tired from the holiday stresses of cooking a huge dinner, you can come out of the period glowing. Put on a face mask, do your nails and care for your body. In the lead up to Christmas, it might be a great idea to buy some of the more luxurious products to go all-out with the Christmas Day pampering.

These are some fantastic ways to make your Christmas Day alone an unforgettable one and maybe even the best Christmas ever!

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