Christmas is looming but if the thought of a big family do sparks an unwavering thirst for a barrel of G & T, fear not, for there are lots of options for those wanting to opt-out of of the forced familial relations we’re so often obliged to grin through. The season to be jolly co-opted by consumerism and bickering with relatives over which channel to tune into after the feast, can seem like such a drag – particularly if it’s just a repeat of every other Yuletide that’s been before. If you’re going solo this Christmas, read on…

Are You Flying Solo This Christmas?

Living Alone| 11th November 2019 by Solo Living

Please note, this is an archive Christmas article, written before the current pandemic.

Christmas is looming but if the thought of a big family do sparks an unwavering thirst for a barrel of G & T, fear not, for there are lots of options for those wanting to opt-out of of the forced familial relations we’re so often obliged to grin through. The season to be jolly co-opted by consumerism and bickering with relatives over which channel to tune into after the feast, can seem like such a drag – particularly if it’s just a repeat of every other Yuletide that’s been before. If you’re going solo this Christmas, read on…

Are You Flying Solo This Christmas?

Or maybe you don’t have anyone you can or want to spend the day with and it’s all too easy to get down during what’s billed as the ‘happiest time of the year’. No matter your personal circumstances or preferences you can spend your Christmas Day, however, the heck you want –  and you’ll still be speaking to your nearest and dearest come the New Year.

Give something back

Sometimes it’s tempting to wallow in our own misery but it can be helpful to get some perspective, especially at this time of the year. Many people and families are struggling to make ends meet, feed themselves or are without a roof over their heads. Giving them a helping hand will give them a well-needed boost and will make you feel like you’ve made a difference. Why not seek out volunteering opportunities in your local area?

Fly high

No one will blame you for opting out of the clamour of Christmas but why not go the whole (roasted) hog and jet off on a trip-of-a-lifetime to far away climes. There are plenty of all-inclusive breaks that will cater to every taste – and budget.

Chill out on the beach, book in some group travel, take in a city break or rest your weary bones on a spa retreat – complete with daily massages and an overabundance of fruit and veggies. You’ll return home with a spring in your step and January won’t seem quite so deflating after all.

Treat yo’ self

Book in for an overnight stay or two in a swanky hotel in your locale. Order the room service, pillage the mini bar and park up in the dining room for a breakfast of champions. Don’t wait for a special occasion to treat yourself well, pull out all the stops and luxuriate in the knowledge that you deserve it.

Get out

Shake off the impending end-of-year cobwebs by spending some, or all, of the big day outdoors – come rain or shine. Go for a run in the park or potter through the city soaking in the sights. Even the busiest metropolis is a ghost town on Christmas Morn and it feels like a treat to take a wander down usually bustling streets.

I want to be alone

I’m not going to lie, a solitary Christmas snuggled up with the dog, some mince pies and the Netflix remote sounds A-ok to me. If you feel the same there are plenty of ways to fill your precious time with you and you alone.

Check out the best films of 2019 so far, work your way through your bookmarked online articles or why not try just being – turn off the technology and look out of the window or just potter around the house in silence. You’ll be surprised at how much joy noticing the little things bring.

Press the reset button

Deciding to spend time alone over Yuletide can be just the tonic for pressing the reset button and charging into the New Year with renewed vigour and plenty of energy to focus on the other people in your life.

Prioritise your wellbeing

The festive period can be an exhausting carousel of socialising, work nights out and family bashes and sometimes you have to prioritise your own wellbeing  – even if other people just don’t get it. Choosing to fly solo for some or all of Christmas can be met with confusion so don’t sweat it if you meet furrowed brows or unsolicited invites. Putting yourself first before, during and after Christmas can feel strange but, indulging in a spot of solitude while everyone else is tied up with family can do you the world of good.

Going solo is fun!

Doing things for yourself, by yourself is fun. No one telling you what to do, or driving you half to madness with their little quirks. You can get up when you please, read books in the bath, have a nap and eat brandy butter straight out of the jar.

Being independent during one of the busiest times of the year can give you much-needed time to focus on what you want to summon in with the New Year bells, and what you’re happy to release. Habits, behaviours, relationships and career can all be considered.

Clean up and clear out

Having a good old clean up and clear out before the clock strikes midnight, and leaving a window cracked to usher out the old and welcome in the new will help you meet the year head-on, and the time spent with yourself clarifying your desires can set you up to have your best year yet.

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