Dean explains the 3 pillars of sustainability and how they tie in with the UN’s sustainable development goals.

Sustainability has become an important part of our lives in recent years as we strive to reduce our environmental impact and minimize waste. But what exactly is sustainability? At its core, sustainability involves balancing the three pillars of environment, economy, and social justice in order to create a better future for all. 

What Are The 3 Pillars Of Sustainability?

Sustainable Living | 16th January 2023 by Dean Emerick

Dean, from explains the 3 pillars of sustainability and how they tie in with the UN’s sustainable development goals.

Sustainability has become an important part of our lives in recent years as we strive to reduce our environmental impact and minimize waste. But what exactly is sustainability? At its core, sustainability involves balancing the three pillars of environment, economy, and social justice in order to create a better future for all. 

This blog post will provide an introduction to these three pillars and discuss their role in creating a more sustainable world. We’ll cover topics like renewable energy sources, responsible economic development strategies, and equitable social policies promoting diversity and inclusion. By understanding the key aspects of each pillar, you can start making changes today to ensure a healthy planet for generations to come!

What are the three pillars of sustainability?

The three pillars of sustainability are the environment, economy, and social justice.

  1. The first pillar is the environment. This involves taking steps to reduce our environmental impact and prevent climate change. This includes using renewable energy sources like solar and wind instead of fossil fuels, reducing waste through recycling or reusing resources, and conserving natural habitats and biodiversity in order to protect wildlife populations.
  2. The second pillar is the economy, which involves creating and maintaining a healthy economic system providing jobs and resources for citizens. Responsible economic development strategies can include investing in green technology, supporting local businesses to create job opportunities, and incentivizing businesses to produce goods sustainably.
  3. The third pillar of sustainability is social justice. This involves creating equitable policies that promote diversity, inclusion and equal access to resources. Examples include providing education and healthcare for all citizens, supporting fair labor practices in the workplace, and investing in programs targeted towards marginalized communities. It also involves advocating for social change through activism or lobbying efforts that push for more sustainable legislation.

By understanding these three pillars of sustainability, we can start making changes today to create a more sustainable future. By taking the necessary steps to reduce our environmental impact, support responsible economic development, and promote social justice, we can ensure a healthier planet for generations to come.


Who created the three pillars?

The three pillars of sustainability were created as part of the United Nations’ Brundtland Commission on Environment and Development in 1987. The commission was tasked with defining sustainable development, which they accomplished by creating a framework incorporating the three pillars of environment, economy, and social justice. This framework is now used by governments and organizations around the world to guide their sustainability efforts.

What are the benefits of using the three pillars?

The three pillars provide an effective and comprehensive approach to creating a sustainable future. By taking into account all aspects of sustainability, including environmental conservation, economic development, and social justice, governments and organizations can create policies that will have long-term positive impacts.

Using the three pillars of sustainability also encourages collaboration between different stakeholders, as each pillar relies on the success of the other two. For example, economic development strategies must consider environmental impacts and social justice policies in order to be successful. By involving multiple actors in developing solutions, we can create more effective and comprehensive strategies for creating a sustainable future.

Finally, using the three pillars of sustainability encourages citizens to take part in creating a more sustainable future. By understanding the importance of each pillar and taking small steps to reduce our individual environmental impact, support responsible economic development, and promote social justice, we can all play a role in creating a healthier planet for generations to come.

What does the UN have to do with sustainable development?

The United Nations (UN) is an international organization that works to promote global peace and stability. As part of this mission, the UN has also taken steps to address environmental issues and create a more sustainable future.

The UN’s Brundtland Commission on Environment and Development (1987) defined sustainable development as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” 

This definition is now used as a guide for governments and organizations worldwide when creating sustainability policies and strategies. The UN also supports global campaigns like Sustainable Development Goals, which seeks to achieve 17 different goals by 2030 in order to create a more sustainable future.


What are the UN’s development goals?

The United Nations’ development goals are a framework of 17 goals that seek to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity by 2030. The goals are divided into four categories:

• No Poverty: End poverty in all its forms everywhere

• Zero Hunger: End hunger, improve nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture

• Good Health and Well-Being: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all

• Quality Education: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

The other 13 goals are related to gender equality, clean water and sanitation, affordable and clean energy, decent work and economic growth, industry innovation and infrastructure, reduced inequalities, sustainable cities and communities, responsible consumption and production, climate action, life below water, life on land, peace and justice strong institutions, and partnerships for the goal.

By achieving these goals, the UN aims to create a sustainable future that can be enjoyed by all.

What are some ways people can get involved in promoting sustainable development?

On a personal level, people can promote sustainable development in their local communities, schools, and workplaces. Here are some ways to get started:

• Educate yourself about sustainable development and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

• Advocate for sustainability with your local government representatives

• Reduce your own environmental impact by making small changes in your lifestyle and consumption habits

• Support businesses that prioritize sustainability

• Volunteer with local organizations that promote sustainability

• Donate to charities that support sustainable development initiatives

• Encourage your friends and family to join in the effort

By taking small steps, everyone can contribute to creating a more sustainable future.

What can people do at work for sustainable development?

Business operations have the ability to make a large impact on the environment, so it’s important for companies to prioritize sustainability. Here are some ways people can promote sustainable development in their workplace:

• Incorporate green technology into operations

• Utilize energy and water resources more efficiently

• Develop sustainable supply chains

• Implement recycling programs

• Use sustainable materials

• Reduce waste and emissions

• Provide incentives that encourage sustainable behavior

On the social side of sustainability, companies can also promote employee well-being and diversity initiatives, invest in education and training that advances sustainability, and support sustainable development efforts in the local community. By taking these steps, businesses can make a real impact on sustainable development both locally and globally.

What does ESG have to do with sustainable development?

ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance. This term is used to refer to a set of criteria that assess the sustainability of an organization or company in terms of its environmental impact, social responsibility, and governance structure. Many investors use ESG analysis when making decisions about which companies they choose to invest in.

Organizations can also use ESG to track their progress in achieving sustainable goals and identify areas of improvement. ESG is a valuable tool for measuring and promoting sustainability, as it helps organizations evaluate their operations’ impact on the environment, society, and corporate governance.

By integrating ESG into their practices, companies can ensure they take meaningful steps towards achieving sustainable development.

What is the final word on the 3 pillars?

In conclusion, the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and the three pillars of sustainability provide an important framework for individuals, governments and organizations around the world to create effective and comprehensive strategies for creating a sustainable future. Through education, advocacy, and personal action, we can all play a role in creating a healthier planet for generations to come.

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Dean Emerick
Dean is a sustainability Digital Strategist with ESG The Report, an online resource of like-minded professionals focusing on ESG principles and socially responsible investment for a more sustainable future.

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