Solo Christmas Short Stories was the first series of fictional short stories commissioned by Solo Living for the living alone and single community. Following 12 Solos as they navigate Christmas alone, we share the series again this year. The events mentioned are now closed and you can find all 12-parts by following the link below.

The Making Of The Solo Christmas Short Stories Season 2019

Christmas | 31st October 2022 by Solo Living

Solo Christmas Short Stories was the first series of fictional short stories commissioned by Solo Living for the living alone and single community. Following 12 Solos as they navigate Christmas alone, we share the series again this year. The events mentioned are now closed and you can find all 12-parts by following the link below.


Spending Christmas Alone - Solo Christmas Short Stories

The inspiration behind the making of the Solo Christmas Short Stories season was simple. One in three people live alone in the UK and for different reasons, we were alarmed to hear that last year, it was estimated one in five people may have spent Christmas alone. We’ve no reason to think it will be different this year. For some people, spending Christmas alone will be of their own choosing but for many, it won’t be a day spent alone through choice.

We thought about what Solo Living can do as a small operation reaching out to people living alone. We recognise people may be spending Christmas alone for all sorts of different reasons. Living abroad and being away from family is just one. Many solos will also be single and no-one really talks about what it’s like to be navigating the festive season without a partner or family. We wanted to do something fun.

Thus, Solo Christmas Short Stories came to life. We asked new Glasgow writer, Hannah Westman, if she would like to write a series of short stories about solos during Christmas time. The brief was to write stories in chapters so we could share each part, every day between December 22nd and January 5th. The idea being everyone can read along with the stories as they are published on a given day, creating a fun and festive event connecting people through a shared reading experience.

Thereon, we left it to Hannah and what you’ll discover are five heartwarming short stories, told in 18 chapters with a story to tell about each character. Shaun’s story comes to you in four parts over the course of Christmas Day! What a treat!

There are THREE WAYS to take part in the free Solo Christmas Short

Stories event:
(update: This event is now closed)

1 By signing up and we will deliver each chapter to your inbox. Every day between December 22nd and January 5th, we will send you a chapter so you can read the story at your leisure and as the stories evolve. Expect Shaun’s four-part story delivered on Christmas Day. You can sign up for daily delivery over 15 days here:

Sign up for daily delivery by email

2 By joining our Facebook event. This is where will share each chapter as they are published over 15 days. Our Facebook event will also be a space for guests to chat about the stories if you would like to comment on the stories, characters and themes. By logging on to Facebook you can join our event here: 

Join our Facebook event

3 By visiting every day between December 22nd and January 5th. You will find each story and chapter published by the day, with all five stories being available in full from January 5th. Find our Solo Christmas Short Stories page here:

Solo Christmas Short Stories

Solo Christmas Short Stories

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Christmas alone - Solo Christmas Short Stories

STORY 1   Michelle   Dec 22, 23 and 24

STORY 2   Shaun 4 parts Dec 25th, Christmas Day

STORY 3   Ephraim Dec 26, 27, 28, 29

Solo Christmas Short Stories Alone at Christmas

STORY 4   Joel Dec 30, 31, Jan 1


STORY   5 Aimi   Jan 2, 3, 4,5

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Here’s what Hannah has to say about writing The Solo Christmas Short Stories:

“To me, good writing is all about the characters. Strong, interesting characters are essential to any piece of writing, regardless of genre or content. It was important to have realistic characters in this collection of stories – characters people would understand and empathise with. The concept was to focus on solo adults and to portray various circumstances of their lives around the holiday period. People without families are often forgotten around Christmas, and we wanted to show that even without a family or partner, Christmas can still be a time of enjoyment.”

We would also like to thank Tim for his splendid hard work getting the website ready for the event and Jen for her marvellous illustrations. This project is a real team effort that could not have happened without them.

We hope you enjoy our Christmas Short Stories and we look forward to hearing what you think.

Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for 2020! A new decade!

Solo Living x

The complete series


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