Vishal shares her dos and don’ts of adopting a slow fashion mindset. In a fast-paced and constantly modernising world, slow fashion is the direct opposite of fast fashion – a way of controlling the pollution and waste created by the fashion industry every day. The slow fashion movement promotes conscious production, mindful consumerism and generates consumer awareness. 

The Dos and Don’ts Of Adopting A Slow Fashion Mindset

Sustainable Living | 22nd May 2023 by Vishal

Vishal from Luna Bags shares her dos and don’ts of adopting a slow fashion mindset.

The Dos and Don'ts of Adopting A Slow Fashion Mindset


In a fast-paced and constantly modernising world, slow fashion is the direct opposite of fast fashion – a way of controlling the pollution and waste created by the fashion industry every day. The slow fashion movement promotes conscious production, mindful consumerism and generates consumer awareness. 

Slow fashion is an initiative attempting to reduce the industry’s environmental impact. Slow fashion attempts to reduce carbon footprints, eliminate child labour, undo unethical practices and promote healthy manufacturing and working conditions – including fair wages, fair trade,  manufacturing products using sustainable and natural materials, and encouraging conscious consumerism. 

Here, we’ll talk about the dos and don’ts of slow fashion and why everyone should consider adopting a slow fashion mindset. 

Slow fashion – think quality over quantity

In simple terms, slow fashion simply means focusing on quality over quantity and embracing a reduced number of seasons and styles. Slow fashion is considered sustainable, advocating for the production of better-quality garments and accessories that will last longer, doing no harm to humans, animals and the environment.

Slow fashion – think quality over quantity


  1. Choose quality, not quantity: Always focus on quality over quantity. If you want your wardrobe to be sustainable, you should invest in quality pieces and ignore the short-term appeal of fast fashion garments. 
  1. Choose natural fabrics: Choose raw materials to reduce the chemical effects. Aim to buy natural textiles, or sustainably recycled materials, as synthetic fibres like polyester and nylon use fossil fuels and release microplastics into our ocean when washed. 
  1. Choose brands who release fewer stylesPurchase from brands who release a few styles per year rather than from brands who mass produce styles that change every few weeks or so. With frequent style changes can come poor quality manufacturing processes that lack sustainable quality control, resulting in our natural environment suffering.
  1. Take care of your clothes: One easy way to adopt slow fashion is to take care of your clothes and think about wearing them long-term. When washing, use separate laundry bags for coloured and white clothing and always read and wash your clothes according to the given instructions. Dry your clothes inside out to avoid distressing the fabric. 
  1. Look at labels: It is advisable to note the materials used to make a garment and the percentage of materials used to check whether the cloth you buy is sustainable. Do a quality check overall before making a purchase.
  1. Choose slow fashion brands: While switching to slow fashion, consider brands that adopt sustainable fashion industry practices in all aspects of their business. 
  1. Buy preloved and vintage: Including vintage clothing in your wardrobe will save you money and ensure no additional resources and raw materials are wasted.
  1. Borrow or rent: Consider borrowing or renting one-off pieces of luxury clothing for events that you know if you know you are unlikely to wear again if you buy an expensive piece.
  1. Have a sustainable mindset: Whenever you are shopping, always think realistically, sustainably and practically rather than just being a follower of trends. That’s how you will be able to save money and be an active participant in the slow fashion movement. Always think twice about how often you will wear a piece of clothing before purchasing and whether you need it in your wardrobe. Instead of buying on impulse, take a day or two to think about it and buy only if days later, the piece is still something you want.
  1. Create a slow fashion wardrobe: Buy carefully and build your sustainable wardrobe. Develop your wardrobe with classic styles and buy quality products that will stand the test of time.   


  1. Don’t buy according to the seasons: Instead, focus on shopping for things you can wear throughout the year. Be innovative with your styling. You can layer multiple garments or pair your summer dresses with leggings or long boots during winter.
  1. Don’t throw clothes away: Don’t throw clothes away if they have small rips, holes, and missing buttons that can be easily fixed. Think repair and mend instead. 
  1. Avoid synthetic materials: As you know, synthetic cloth contains microfilaments that are bad for the environment because they cannot be quickly degraded when disposed of if they reach a landfill.  
  1. Avoid frequent washing: Other than your undergarments, avoid over-washing your clothes. Washing detergent and chemicals can reduce the lifespan of clothes. 
  1. Be aware of marketing: Remember what you see is not always true, and as a smart customer, you should know why you are adapting to a slow fashion mindset and moving away from the short-term appeal of fast fashion.
  1. Don’t buy on impulse: Too often, we buy on impulse and have a habit of buying clothes that we hope to wear someday, but they remain at the back of the wardrobe. It is not worth it, so instead, buy something you know you will wear throughout the year.  
  1. Don’t buy before doing your research: If you want to discover more about a brand you are about to purchase from, do your research via their website and Google. Check out reviews and read their about us page and sustainability statements before going through checkout.
  1. Don’t waste money: Grow your unique fashion sense and style, and be creative with the clothes you already own.
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Vishal writes for Luna Bags, a vegan and sustainable accessories brand specialising in environmentally friendly and animal cruelty-free products.

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