Colin, writing for Audio Video Artistry, shares 10 ways that can help make your home feel safe and secure while living alone.

While living alone, Solos are mindful of living in a secure home environment. Here are ten home security tips to consider if you are thinking about improving levels of security in your home.

10 Home Security Tips To Consider While Living Alone

Sustainable Living | 6th March 2023 by Colin Crown

Colin, writing for Audio Video Artistry, shares 10 ways that can help make your home feel safe and secure while living alone.

While living alone, Solos are mindful of living in a secure home environment. Here are ten home security tips to consider if you are thinking about improving levels of security in your home.

10 Home Security Tips To Consider While Living Alone

1 Establish a network with your neighbours

Not only can good neighbourly relationships provide a level of comfort, but they can also serve as a form of protection for you and your property. Establishing a network and sense of community with your neighbours can help your community become aware of any suspicious activity or safety concerns in the neighbourhood, providing an extra layer of security for you and them. Take time to get to know who’s in your immediate vicinity and take steps to ensure that everyone feels comfortable and at ease with each other. Establishing a good rapport with those around you is vital to feeling safe in any given environment.

2 Keep a list of emergency contacts nearby

Emergencies, such as medical or personal, can occur unexpectedly, and it’s essential to have that list of emergency contacts on hand so that help is obtained quickly without wasting precious time. It only takes a little effort to keep a record of your close friends and relatives in case of unforeseen events. For instance, you can create a VIP or equivalent list of contacts from your phone. Make the list easily accessible, whether it is on the refrigerator, in your wallet, or somewhere you’ll remember to look. Emergency numbers, such as the nearest hospital, fire department, and police department, are also good information to include on your list. In an emergency, having immediate access to contacts will provide security and peace of mind, knowing that help is just a phone call away.

3 Install a home security system

A home security system will alert you whenever someone enters or leaves your house, allowing you to be in the know at all times. Home security systems not only detect intruders but can also alert you and the authorities of heat, smoke, fire, carbon monoxide, or gas leaks. With the wide variety of systems available in the market today, finding one that fits your unique needs takes some research, but there are many high-quality options to choose from. Additionally, home security systems can now be integrated with innovative home features such as thermostat controls or lighting automation providing further convenience and functionality while adding an extra layer of control and protection around your home.

4. Conceal valuable possessions from open view

Never have valuable items such as money, jewellery, or expensive electronics prominently displayed in your home. Not only does this make it easier on yourself in terms of not having to keep an eye on your valuable possessions at all times, but it also reduces your risk of being a victim of theft or accidental loss due to leaving them out. The most suitable option is to find a hidden and secure place to store valuable items in your home.

5. Install safety locks on your exterior doors

Having secure locks on external doors installed can provide peace of mind. Installing additional locks increases the difficulty for anyone uninvited to gain entry and may help deter or delay them entirely. Furthermore, with safety locks in place, you can rest more easily, knowing that burglar bars, for instance, can provide an extra layer of security to your home while away, at work or on errands. Installing safety locks will help ensure that while living alone, no unwelcome persons can enter or leave your home without your consent.

6. Make sure the garage is secure

Home garages can often provide easy access to the rest of your house and be used as a point of entry for burglars. Additionally, specific tools, such as a garage door opener, can make it easier to access a home unless it is secured properly. To keep yourself secure, consider installing secure locks on all entrances to your garage and keep them activated whenever possible. Keep any garage windows safely locked. Keeping your garage secure is an added precaution and increases your security while living alone.

7. Use peepholes or security cameras to screen visitors

Peepholes allow you to see who is outside your door before opening it. This is useful for identifying strangers, delivery persons, or anyone else who may come to your door unannounced. It also lets you check if anyone is outside your door before you open it, giving you a sense of security and peace of mind. Security cameras, on the other hand, can record the activity outside your home, which can be a valuable tool for identifying potential burglars or intruders. They can also help to deter crime by making it clear that the house is being monitored.

8. Avoid disclosing personal information over the phone or online

Doing so helps protect one’s identity, particularly when it comes to online interactions. Avoiding the disclosure of personal information will help prevent someone with malicious intent from attempting to take advantage of your vulnerability.  Only share sensitive, all-important information about yourself with people or organisations you know you can trust with personal information. If someone calls claiming to be from an organisation you trust, first, verify who they are through other means before parting with information on an initial call. Moreover, it is essential to remember to keep your location private when engaging with strangers. This extra step can go a long way to enhancing your security without compromising your privacy, helping you stay safe at all times.

9. Always keep doors and windows locked

Not only can locked doors keep away uninvited visitors, but they discourage and also keep you safe from potential intruders. You can help keep yourself and your belongings safe by ensuring that a series of doors have secure locks suitable for the different types of doors in your home. They also serve as a reminder not to leave doors unlocked when going out. When choosing locks for your internal doors, consider, at the same time, exit routes that may be needed during times of emergency.

10. Consider installing motion detector lighting

They are designed to respond to movement, providing lighting whenever someone steps into an area that is typically a dark space. This offers an additional level of security because someone who shouldn’t be in a space will be more easily spotted and detected, whether in the home or outdoors. Motion detector lighting provides peace of mind, meaning there is no need to fumble around in the dark while searching for a switch when coming home at night. Additionally, having motion lighting designed for security purposes can provide a level of comfort by letting potential intruders know they are unwelcome. They are particularly helpful when positioned over external door spaces.

Considering the tips above may help you manage safety concerns while living alone, so keep these ideas in mind when thinking about different levels of security you can add to your home.

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Colin Crown
Colin works for Audio Video Artistry - an advanced home automation and comprehensive home security company. In his free time, Colin enjoys blogging, photography, and finding new hole-in-the-wall restaurants to try out in his local area.

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