We find the experience of spending the holidays alone is personal, varying widely from one individual to the next. It may be reasonable to assume that amongst people who live alone, there might be a higher chance of spending holidays alone too. We asked members of our Super Solos Living Alone Community how they are spending Easter weekend in 2023.

How Solos Will Be Spending Easter Weekend 2023

Living Alone | 7th April 2023 by Solo Living

We find the experience of spending the holidays alone is personal, varying widely from one individual to the next. It may be reasonable to assume that amongst people who live alone, there might be a higher chance of spending holidays alone too. We asked members of our Super Solos Living Alone Community how they are spending Easter weekend in 2023.

Thanks to Jodie for the photo

While spending holiday weekends alone can be a challenging and emotionally difficult experience for some; for others,  it can be a peaceful and enjoyable time where activities are planned in advance or time off is relished. We know from our Super Solos Living Alone Community how personal holiday time can be. You can read how they will be spending the Easter weekend below.

From our combined knowledge of the living alone experience, the prospect of spending holidays alone can vary, depending on one’s personality, life circumstances, and how one tends to approach holiday periods.

For those who have strong traditions or memories associated with the holidays, being alone could intensify feelings of loneliness, sadness, and nostalgia. It can be a particularly difficult time if you are unable to be with loved ones due to distance, work obligations, or other factors. As a consequence,  it may mean that people can feel a sense of isolation and disconnectedness at a time when people gather and get together, possibly leading to exacerbating negative feelings like anxiety.

On the other hand, some Solos will view spending the holidays alone as an opportunity for self-reflection, rest and relaxation – using a break to engage and participate in activities they enjoy, such as reading, watching movies, or pursuing hobbies either in or outdoors. 

Holidays can be particularly enjoyable for people who enjoy solitude and with the chance to enjoy some time off; for them, activities can be planned according to their wishes while choosing the degree to which they will spend time alone or in the company of others.

You’ll read below that some of our Solo Living Community choose to volunteer or give back to their community, which provides a sense of purpose and fulfilment with an opportunity to socialise at the same time. 

Most of our Solos who contributed to our article are looking forward to the Easter Weekend, and you can read what will be keeping them busy. What is striking amongst their comments is time spent with pets, in nature, within local communities and, of course, with family and friends.

Our advice would be that for anyone who is not looking forward to spending the holidays entirely alone, perhaps the most important thing to do is acknowledge and accept your feelings and take care of yourself during this time, whether it means seeking support from friends and family, engaging in self-care activities, or finding ways to connect and engage with others. For example, through local meetup groups or virtual contact if you feel it is what you need over a holiday period. Alternatively, let yourself be inspired by others who live alone and how they will be choosing to spend the Easter holidays!


I shall be catching up with family and friends after working away this week. Also walking a dog for a neighbour, as well as chilling with my Easter Eggs!


I have never done anything for Easter; just another weekend to me.


Hot cross bun party. Nice walk. Don’t know apart from that! Maybe a ceilidh.


Just finished the late shift and in again tomorrow till 1 pm, then heading up the A3 to spend the weekend and have a little break with Julie in Guildford.




Family Easter fun Morning at Church tomorrow morning.Good Friday Communion in the evenings. Walk with friends on Saturday. Sunrise Service and breakfast on Sunday. Then teaching in Kids Church. House Fellowship on Sunday evening. Nothing planned for Monday, so will probably just have a lazy day at home.


I’ll be at church and will then have lunch with my son on Sunday! He’s with his dad the rest of the weekend, so I’m helping out with church activities and working on my house!


Resting from a horrible week of work/stress etc.!…4 days off, whoop!!! Also need to do some housework, maybe gardening…going out dancing and staying over at a friend’s tomorrow evening and can’t wait! Dancing is the best medicine and fun for me. Easter Sunday doing a 10-mile walk and pub lunch with a meetup group…so I hope I get to do the resting, reading, feet up etc., I’m craving too!


I have a dog walk booked for tomorrow lunchtime, and then hitting the road to Hull. Visiting my daughter & grandson. Then a couple of days at home to do whatever takes my fancy. Including eating some chocolate eggs & bunnies, I’ve been gifted.


I work in a bookshop, and we are open on Good Friday and Easter Monday. I have chosen to work both of them (I’ll get a day in lieu or wages for both days). On Saturday, I’ll be doing my usual routine of food shopping for the week ahead; the rest of the day will be relaxing and listening to the football scores. Sunday starts with a lie-in, more relaxing, then over to my best mate’s flat for an Easter Sunday roast, followed by watching my team Liverpool v Arsenal. I’m very much looking forward to the weekend, I don’t mind working on Friday and Monday at all!


Bonus days off for those of us who already celebrated Ostara two weeks ago! Full moon ceremony tonight, a day at a reconstructed medieval village, seeing friends for coffee meets, gym, some walking, some shopping, gardening and the dreaded ‘personal admin’. 


Alone with my dog, I have no friends, and my elderly parents are about 10 mins drive away, but I don’t drive! They are in their late 80s, Dad drives over once a month, but otherwise, it’s just the dog and me. Hubby passed in August 2022 after years of ill health and me being his sole carer, so still adjusting to the solo life. Most of the time, I’m fine, just an occasional yearning for some company. 


Working tomorrow and Monday; Saturday/Sunday getting hair done, and in the garden.


Dog walking and breakfast at a local pub in the morning. Picking my Mum up from the hospital tomorrow and dropping her home. Meal at a different local pub tomorrow evening. Possibly an early drive to the beach with my dog one morning to avoid bank holiday crowds. Chilling, cleaning, reading, and sorting my garden out. 


Rainy tornado storms are headed my way tonight and through the weekend, cancelling a holiday weekend of shenanigans. So, it will be a productive weekend inside, packing away winter seasonal decorations, lol. I have been really sick and fatigued this winter. Not much stamina, easily distracted, so am behind in several home maintenance chores, tasks and projects. Lots of reading, napping, tv streaming, and some made-from-scratch meals.


Camping and hiking on Anglesey with my dog.


Lots of Church! No Easter eggs to eat so far. If I’m lucky, on Sunday, I might get given a cream egg in Church.


Beach walk this morning, taking my elderly mother shopping tomorrow, face timing my 4year old granddaughter after the bunny has visited and enjoying 4 days off work. Will probably eat the whole bag of chocolate eggs on my own!


I’m going to take a drive to the nursery and get some plants for the garden.


I will be camping this weekend, out by the Superstition Mountains, with my boyfriend and hopefully cousins too! We don’t really do Easter.


I will be camping this weekend, out by the Superstition Mountains, with my boyfriend and hopefully cousins too! We don’t really do Easter.


Digging out new flower beds, planting veggie seeds and creating a gravel garden!


I’m going walking with 2 walking groups on Friday and Saturday with lunch out, and probably some cake too! I’m spending Sunday cleaning my filthy house and then a chilled-out day Monday – maybe walking and certainly reading good books. A lovely resting weekend enjoying myself.


Working, unfortunately.


I will be at my grandson’s 7th birthday party on Sunday at the local community centre with a children’s entertainer and lots of children. I’ll probably come home with a headache, but it will be good fun!


I’m in my garden celebrating the new planting season. Lunch with friends tomorrow. Sunday we’re bathing in Luna’s moonlight as we give thanks for being on this side of our Great Mother Earth.


Playing pool with a friend on Sat and going out for lunch with another friend Sunday.


Zumba this morning, Zumba tomorrow morning and then working. Lunch at my sister’s on Sunday. Lazy day Monday. I would rather be at work on Monday.

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