Like us, your green fingers are itching and you want to grow things, but you have no garden. Panic not: help is at hand, as we have found experts who can show you how to liven up your balcony, rooftop or patio with pots, tubs and window boxes, and even how to grow your own healthy food.

I Have A Pot, So I Will Garden

Sustainable Living | 14th August 2017 by Solo Living

Like us, your green fingers are itching and you want to grow things, but you have no garden. Panic not: help is at hand, as we have found experts who can show you how to liven up your balcony, rooftop or patio with pots, tubs and window boxes, and even how to grow your own healthy food.

James DeMers

Vertical Veg

Mark Ridsdill Smith has acquired a niche here with Vertical Veg, a great source of ideas for urban food production.

The Micro Gardener

Anne Gibson, The Micro Gardener, has a massive amount of information and inspired ideas on all kinds of container gardening.

Garden Design Magazine

Garden Design Magazine’s comprehensive feature on container gardening goes into what pots to use and what to put in them.

Garden Therapy

The Garden Therapy site investigates these matters in detail, assessing soil, watering, drainage, fertilizer, and pots for patios and balconies.

House and Garden

House and Garden picked their ten favourite Instagram photos of window boxes to demonstrate some unusual and colourful planting designs.

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