The Lockdown has given many of us the chance to create a closer bond with nature and the outdoors. Thanks to members of our Super Solo Living Alone Community who share their lockdown nature and outdoors photos – helping us to create a lasting memory of living alone during extraordinary times. 

Living Solo And Connecting With The Outdoors During The Lockdown

Living Alone | 1st July 2020 by Solo Living

The Lockdown has given many of us the chance to create a closer bond with nature and the outdoors. Thanks to members of our Super Solo Living Alone Community who share their lockdown nature and outdoors photos – helping us to create a lasting memory of living alone during extraordinary times. 


My lovely view from my garden where I’ve spent many happy hours during the lockdown.


It’s so difficult to pick just one photo. This is the 14-acre field my horse Lulu and 14 others are turned out in. Beautiful in all weathers, lovely to watch the horses interacting with each other – helped keep me going during the lockdown.

W Ann

As Mike says not easy to pick just one…. sorry not a very clear photo, but a Robin who visits my garden, always think of my dear Mum when I see the Robin.


Bike ride. Malton Lane. Orwell, Cambridgeshire. It was a hot day during the lockdown. I welcomed sitting in the shade for a bit.


Mullaghmore, Co. Sligo. The beach that helped keep me sane.

Living Solo Connecting With tThe Outdoors During Lockdown

Mandy Lee

I’ve never climbed so many of these in 3 months!


Whenever the solitude became a little overwhelming, it was so soothing to be able to just explore upriver with my best pal. These ancient woodlands and secret glens hold a deep sense of timelessness which is very healing.


This is near Frithsden Beeches on the Ashridge estate in Hertfordshire. Went walking in the trees with a dear friend on a very windy wonderful day.


My neighbour is a postie… She’s amazingly upbeat…every day…she dresses up and gets out on her rounds. Always smiling, desperate for a pee more often than not. That’s a doughnut on the end of the rod!


This is a view in Bristol of the Severn bridge going into Wales. Even when the lockdown made me feel lonely, going for a drive and taking in the views like this made me feel quite happy in my solitude!


I became a (hen) granny!

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