Being a collector can make you a millionaire – or label you a geek. In the top echelons you’ll find the collectors of fine art, antiques, old wines and classic cars, while on the bottom rungs are the old schoolkid’s favourites of action figures and Pokemon cards. But what happens in the middle? You don’t want to spend a fortune on what may turn out to be a pile of old rubbish, but you like the idea of collecting and have an eye for what may appreciate financially over time…

Geek Or Street-Smart Saver?

Money | 10th December 2017 by Solo Living

Being a collector can make you a millionaire – or label you a geek. In the top echelons you’ll find the collectors of fine art, antiques, old wines and classic cars, while on the bottom rungs are the old schoolkid’s favourites of action figures and Pokemon cards. But what happens in the middle? You don’t want to spend a fortune on what may turn out to be a pile of old rubbish, but you like the idea of collecting and have an eye for what may appreciate financially over time…

Royal Mail


Collecting pop memorabilia is a good opening for beginners, particularly those who have given their last performance and passed on to the heavenly chorus. Recently lost stars who will undoubtedly achieve collectible status (particularly if items are autographed) include George Michael, Prince, Gregg Allman, Chuck Berry and Prodigy.


Stamps have become even rarer these days with the advent of email and face to face electronic communication, so philately may enjoy a new lease of life. The Royal Mail has recently honoured David Bowie with a special edition stamp collection, thus bringing back stamps as collectible items.

Art & antiques

David Bowie’s cult status has also given rise to a new interest in the artists he himself appreciated, so if you have an eye for a good modern artwork, then some of his favourite painters may be a wise investment, according to contemporary art and paintings specialist Charlotte Riordan.

If you want to get a foot on the fine art and antiques ladder, you could do worse than invest in some British folk art, says Antiques Collecting magazine, who also recommend some up-and-coming painters, replica antiquities and the macabre niche market for death masks.

Books, clothes & more

Rare books are always a good investment, and in the 21st century even children’s stories have become iconic. Harry Potter just turned 20 and many people who have held on to their original books and merchandise may well find their value appreciating.  Comics have soared in popularity and value within their own ‘little’ world and ThoughtCo identifies 10 different types of collectors. There is still a good market for vintage clothes, perfume bottles, jewellery and handbags, and you may find your grandparents’ and even your parents’ clothes are worth hanging onto. So, if in doubt, don’t throw it out!

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