If you’re off travelling, you will never be far from your trusty smartphone. Aside from using it to take a few snaps of your trip abroad, you might want to consider downloading these must-have travel apps before you head off…

1 Tripit

Travelling can get complicated, but with TripIt you can organise everything in one convenient place. This great little app builds an itinerary for you – all you need to do is forward your confirmation emails (hostel bookings, flights, restaurant reservations etc) to the email address and the app arranges your schedule accordingly!

10 Must-Have Free Travel Apps

Solo Travel | 19th December 2017 by Solo Living

If you’re off travelling, you will never be far from your trusty smartphone. Aside from using it to take a few snaps of your trip abroad, you might want to consider downloading these must-have travel apps before you head off…

credit raw-pixel

Travelling can get complicated, but with TripIt you can organise everything in one convenient place. This great little app builds an itinerary for you – all you need to do is forward your confirmation emails (hostel bookings, flights, restaurant reservations etc) to the email address and the app arranges your schedule accordingly!

If you ever need somewhere to stay and can’t find a hostel, you’re sure to find a place to crash with the Airbnb app. Just sign up, create a profile, and you can start surfing for suitable rooms for the evening – all of which are offered by fellow Airbnb members!

If you’re about to depart, heading home, or you’re making a connection during your trip, FlightStats offers you a way to track your flight and see what time you’re due to arrive. Information about delays and airport locations is also integrated into the app.

While Tinder is best known as a dating app, a lot of people use it simply to meet others when they’re abroad. You’d be surprised how many members use the app to make friends rather than seek romance. And, with as many as 50 million registered users worldwide, you should have no problem finding a buddy wherever you might be going.

Don’t waste time trying to work out the exchange rate of your currency or relying on guesswork. Download XE and find out exactly what your money is worth quickly and easily. For free!

Flush is a bit like travel insurance: you hope you’ll never need it, but you’ll be happy that it’s there if the time ever comes. The premise for this app is super simple. All it does it map out the nearest public toilets in your region. If you really need to go, Flush can guide you there.

Skype is the very best tool for communicating with friends and family back home, offering you free video calls as long as you can find a WiFi spot, which fittingly brings us to our next must-have app for travel…

You’re going to need an internet connection for keeping up with your loved ones while you’re abroad, be it via call, text, or even social media. This handy little app shows you where to go for a free WiFi connection.

The best way to learn a new language is by immersing yourself in the culture, but if you ever get stuck, iTranslate can help you communicate what you’re trying to say – whether you’re asking for directions or ordering a meal in a restaurant.

AccuWeather is a popular desktop tool for many PC users, but it also comes in app form – allowing smartphone owners to check the weather wherever they may be. It’s also got a useful ReelFeel feature, informing you what the weather actually feels like, and it even offers access to weather news reports.

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